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Here are my opinions on all the latest goings-on within the fascinating world of the rich and famous, or more often, that of the z-list wannabes. My love of reality TV and all things celebrity fuel this page and I invite comments from any fellow ‘trash-tv’ enthusiasts! Enjoy.

Monday, 20 August 2012

Cher Lloyd attacked on stage at V festival

It really upset me to hear about the treatment Cher Lloyd got at V festival this weekend. 

Ok, now I know she's not exactly everyone's cup of tea and I understand why. I mean when the feisty little wannabe burst onto our screens on The X Factor in 2010, though I felt she was a good singer, she was irritating and a little over-confident at times.

But after finishing X Factor and releasing her first single the young aspiring pop-star was subjected to a torrent of online abuse from Twitter 'trolls' and no matter how feisty a person you are, I'm pretty sure for a 18 year old girl this was an extremely upsetting.

So now, when Cher is invited to perform at V festival, for which she must have been incredibly nervous, she is not only booed throughout her performance but is also subjected to bottles of URINE being thrown at her.

I can hear people giggling as they're reading this now, but seriously, can you imagine how this must have felt?!

I think if she comes back standing tall after this then good on her. I quite like her catchy little songs and I don't care what anyone thinks about that! Please don't throw a bottle of p*ss at me though for goodness sake...

Related postsFrankie and Cher finally get a make-over


  1. Cher is a fantastic singer!she didn't deserve this-.-some people really need to get there heads sorted!I mean she went there to sing for all you people&how you treat her?it disgusts me!yes I agree she is not everyone's favourite?but atleast she's acheived her dream&shes standing tall(y)she should be proud of who she is.I think she's brilliant(y)

  2. I'd love to see that person who threw the urine bottle at cher and see how they would feel about getting piss chucked at them, i really hope cher doesn't give up on her music career or stop doing tours because of one pathetic person!!I LOVE HER SO MUCHH, SINCE THE VERY FIRST TIME I HEARD HER AUDITION I FELL IN LOVE WITH HER AND WILL NEVER STOP!!!!!!<3

  3. I agree, disgusting behaviour. I'm sure she will be back!
