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Here are my opinions on all the latest goings-on within the fascinating world of the rich and famous, or more often, that of the z-list wannabes. My love of reality TV and all things celebrity fuel this page and I invite comments from any fellow ‘trash-tv’ enthusiasts! Enjoy.

Wednesday, 13 June 2012

Jodie Marsh wins American bodybuilding comp

So you've probably seen the latest photos of Jodie Marsh bronzed up to the max and taking part in body building competitions again. This time winning the Womans Fit Body category at the International Natural Bodybuilding Federation in America.

There seem to be a lot of mixed views concerning Jodie's latest past time (and somewhat spectacular new look). Some are slating her for 'looking like a freak' and this just being 'yet another publicity stunt' (remember her reality show 'Who'll take Jodie Marsh up the aisle'...?) whilst others are congratulating her on achieving this quite remarkable feat.

I am of the opinion that for someone like Jodie who has very publicly talked about her history of depression and who's had a pretty turbulent relationship with the press for the last decade, she should be proud for finally finding her path to happiness.

Ok so the extreme tan and beefy muscles may not be for everyone, but she's clearly worked incredibly hard and I would imagine she must be in pretty good health too so who are we to slate her?

Mmm... Bisto tan.

I loved Lauren Pope's tweet yesterday about the Essex lingo. She said:

"'Shaaaaa' mixture of 'shut up' and 'shit'. My brain cld'nt decide which one i wanted to say so that sound come out my mouth instead!"

I'm sure there'll be plenty more where that comes from in the Marbs' special tonight!

I'm also looking forward to seeing what's going on with the Gemma and Arg situation. I along with most others presumed that the whole declaration of love at the end of the last series was set up purely for our entertainment. However Arg tweeted this on Monday:

"Bigger is beautiful haha! Miss my @missgemcollins Wouldn't change a thing about her! #HolidayBlues"

Hmm looks more convincing than last time.

Big Brother watch

What a drama filled first week it's been in the BB house!

Last Friday we saw Victoria get the boot and I must say I was gutted. I think with time Victoria would have been a good character to have in there. However, the awfully irritating Lydia has helped fuel a lot of the drama that's been going on in the last few days so in terms of making good telly, she hasn't let us down.

Up for eviction this week are Arron and Chris and I couldn't have asked for two better candidates! I think it's going to be a close call and a lot will depend on how these two come across between now and Friday night.

Will Chris get drunk and have more 'jekyll and hyde' moments (his words)? Will Arron continue to 'rebel' by breaking the rules?

Let's watch and find out!

Lovin' the new girl Becky too.

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